Monday, August 11, 2014

Peaceful Relationships

Hello! I hope you are having a great day!

I Learned a little about patience today. Sometimes you are surprised by negative attitude and you react with a negative attitude. Sometimes you have to look at other peoples perspective before you react on your own. Look at another person's perspective and see if you can keep the peace in your relationships more often for the Glory of God!

Romans 12:18
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

I'm Back

You know I haven't said anything in a while....because it's been a rough couple of months, but Christ has brought me through like He always has! He always keeps an eye on me no matter where I step off the path at. I get lazy and don't do what Christ wants me to do all the time, but something that I am learning is to do what needs to be done when you don't feel like it. If I wait until I feel like it, I will either not get done or do it at the last minute with major stress. I hope and pray that I don't have to go around this mountain anymore.

I pray for anyone that lays their eyes on this entry. That they would break free of the bondage in there life through the power of the almighty God.

Amen -Let it be done!!...It is Done!!-

Monday, June 2, 2014

Bible Summary


Chapter 2

Adam and Eve were created and and all the animals were named.

LOL This not what we picture, but the Adam and Eve pictures that I saw were showing a little to much skin. So I figured a picture of a couple would work. :)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Well, today has been an interesting day. I have been watching youtube videos and hanging with my mom. I started reviewing the Bible on my own adding summaries to every chapter when I first became a serious Christian and stopped after a while and have decided to start it back up again. But to share it with you folk if anybody reads this lol. It doesn't matter it's fun! :)

God Bless

Bible Summary


Chapter 1

God Creates the Heavens and the Earth

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Hard Phases In Life

     Well think about it, how will you live through the next moment in life? How will you make it through your next struggle? How? Well some people will rely on substances to escape realty, some friends, some won’t make it. If you have nothing left and you want to make it through the next phase in your life rely on the Lord for your strength…..He can get you through the next phase. He longs to help you and to surround you with His protection. Don’t forget God will always be there for you! He will never forsake you or leave you! He is there always. God has a Love that is unconditional and will last always no matter what you do!


GOD LOVES YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!